
Dana Faraone

Artist: Dana Faraone
Age 1 Year Old
Supports: 40% of profits from the resale of artwork from this collection is donated to Animals Australia.
About Artist:

Dana is a beautifully cheerful eleven month old whose signature is making funny faces. This artwork is a product of her very first attempts with paint made for her loving father, Stefano, for his second Fathers Day.

This bond; their cheeky looks of adoration, the giggles, his contagious smile that she mirrors as he walks through the door.

This bond is pure love.
by Dana Faraone
supporting Animals Australia
by Dana Faraone
supporting Animals Australia
by Dana Faraone
supporting Animals Australia
by Dana Faraone
supporting Animals Australia
by Dana Faraone
supporting Animals Australia
by Dana Faraone
supporting Animals Australia
by Dana Faraone
supporting Animals Australia