
Ibrahim Mehio

Artist: Ibrahim Mehio
Age 5 Years Old
Supports: 40% of profits from the resale of artwork from this collection is donated to Life's Little Treasures Foundation.
About Artist:

Ibrahim is a very happy and sweet little man with a soft nature and a love for music and dancing. He is very particular and clean/tidy which made for an interesting workshop having to clean his hands every 10 seconds.
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Life's Little Treasures Foundation
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Life's Little Treasures Foundation
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Life's Little Treasures Foundation
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Life's Little Treasures Foundation
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Life's Little Treasures Foundation
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Life's Little Treasures Foundation
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Life's Little Treasures Foundation
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Life's Little Treasures Foundation
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Life's Little Treasures Foundation
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Human Appeal
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Human Appeal
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Human Appeal
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Human Appeal
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Human Appeal
by Ibrahim Mehio
supporting Human Appeal