
Olivier Capel

Artist: Olivier Capel
Age 2 Years Old
Supports: 40% of profits from the resale of artwork from this collection is donated to Tresillian.
About Artist:

Move over Monet, our little artiste has reinterpreted your Lillies! Olivier is born of French, Dutch and Chinese heritage and his name means 'olive tree'. While his parents were conversing in French about 'fromage', Olivier piped up and started singing 'cheese' in English to a made up tune. He is our teeny tiny translator and art has been a great way to channel his energy.
by Olivier Capel
supporting Tresillian
by Olivier Capel
supporting Tresillian
by Olivier Capel
supporting Tresillian
by Olivier Capel
supporting Tresillian
by Olivier Capel
supporting Tresillian
by Olivier Capel
supporting Tresillian