
Harriet Bowen

Artist: Harriet Bowen
Age 23 months
Supports: 40% of profits from the resale of artwork from this collection is donated to Asthma Australia.
About Artist:

Harriet is daddy little shadow on the farm has to get the cows, going in the tractor and do what ever he does.
Harriet makes the best little dancer doesn’t matter who’s watch she can move to a beat.
When ever mum doing her PT sessions she always join in doing her very own version gives everyone attending an extra ab workout.
by Harriet Bowen
supporting Asthma Australia
by Harriet Bowen
supporting Asthma Australia
by Harriet Bowen
supporting Asthma Australia
by Harriet Bowen
supporting Asthma Australia
by Harriet Bowen
supporting Asthma Australia