
Marcus Thompson

Artist: Marcus Thompson
Age 3 Years Old
Supports: 40% of profits from the resale of artwork from this collection is donated to Life Line Australia.
About Artist:

Marcus loves putting his complete attention on one activity at a time. At home he enjoys doing complex puzzles from start to finish and investigating the mechanics behind how things work. Recently he asked me "How are shadows made Mummy?"
Marcus has always been an incredibly happy and smiley boy, right from just a few days of age but certain things worry him.
Once I said to him he was going to be a big boy soon and he said "but if I'm a big boy I won't fit into the house". Another time I asked if he wanted his helium balloon attached to his wrist and he said "but I might float up into the sky".
by Marcus Thompson
supporting Life Line Australia
by Marcus Thompson
supporting Life Line Australia
by Marcus Thompson
supporting Life Line Australia
by Marcus Thompson
supporting Life Line Australia
by Marcus Thompson
supporting Life Line Australia